
'The Thing' (1982) - A Retrospective on the Weird Fiction Genre in Cinema

With the growing critical reception around Annihilation (2018), based on the Jeff VanderMeer novel, and other recent semi-surrealist triumphs like David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) and Del Toro’s The Shape of Water (2017) – a surge of interest in the weird fiction genre is happening, which some critics have even dubbed ‘A Weird Renaissance’.


Netflix and… Shhh! I Want to Watch This!

‘Netflix and chill’ is one of today’s most popular euphemisms playfully used when two adults want to enjoy one another’s company. As per the intentions of Netflix and chill, the chill side of things tends to attract the most emphasis.


Four Exceptional Independent Films You May Not Have Seen Yet

Many films that are released at mainstream cinemas are likely to be big-budget blockbusters – these are the prequels, sequels and everything in between that may not necessarily be great movies, but will make loads of money at the box office (of course, there are some amazing big-budget films too, they are just rarer). If you are lucky enough to live near an independent cinema, you may be able to see some more unusual flicks.


'The Princess Bride' Celebrates its 30th Anniversary – A Look Back

Author and screenwriter William Goldman openly refers to his 1973 novel The Princess Bride as his best work – a view that speaks volumes considering his résumé. For a decade it seemed as though the whimsical tale of Westley and Buttercup would never make its way to the cinema screen. That is until Director Rob Reiner received the green light. The rest, they say, is history. December 4 marked the 30th anniversary of the film’s release in Australia and what better time to reminisce.


Six Examples of Great Book Adaptations in Cinema

Before there were movies there were books, and some of the greatest films are adaptations of great reads. While many believe that the movies are never as good as the books, I believe that adaptations are a great way to share a story with those who don’t read, along with new generations.


The Art of Unintentionally Bad Films – A List of 5 Films to Check Out

It must be said that every filmmaker doesn’t set out to intentionally make a bad film, in fact they have every intention of making an entertaining film at the very least, whether it’s paying homage to a sub-genre such as 70’s Grindhouse exploitation, or like in the case of the new James Franco movie releasing soon, The Disaster Artist, that goes behind the scenes of one of the most celebrated bad films of all time, The Room (2003).