
‘Lights Out’ – Are You Afraid of the Dark? Featurette


Roadshow Films has released a new video featurette for the upcoming film Lights Out, entitled Are You Afraid of the Dark?

The video features the cast and crew of the film talking about its themes as well as the story and it’s quite in-depth.

The film’s theme revolves around the common fear of the dark, and as you’ll see in the featurette, a woman and her son (Teresa Palmer and Gabriel Bateman) are haunted by the entity of a woman named Diana whenever the lights are off in their home.

The featurette has a fair bit of footage from the film and it does look scary indeed, one that will surely have plenty of jump-scares.

With all the latest big horror films that have hit our screens in recent times, such as the Insidious films, The Conjuring films and your Paranormal Activities, it makes me wonder where Lights Out will fit into the equation – will be worthy enough to fit in the same sentence as the above super-popular films, will it fade away into distant memory, or will it be classed in a category of its own?

The good news is that horror master James Wan is producing this film and he has been on a role in his career so far, so it’s definitely one to check out.

The film stars Australia’s Teresa Palmer, along with Gabriel Bateman and Maria Bello and is directed by David F. Sandberg, whose making his directorial debut.

Lights Out is in cinemas on 21 July.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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