
Terrifying Monster Just Wants a Friend in Trailer for ‘Come Play’

terrifying monster movies

Larry, the terrifying monster, seeks a friend in the unique horror movie Come Play starring Gillian Jacobs.

Come Play follows the story of the lonely boy Oliver (Azhy Robertson), who finds solace in his smart device.

In a strange turn of events, a terrifying monster known as Larry manifests through Oliver’s device and begins to haunt him, giving the impression that he just wants a friend.

The film offers a unique, if not a somewhat on-the-nose metaphor of smart technology being detrimental to our health through the lens of a horror movie.

Furthermore, it looks to highlight the monstrous type of people that can be found on the other side of mobile phone and tablet screens, which is always a concern for young people using social apps on their devices.

As far as the horror movie elements go, Come Play seems to feature most of the typical tropes, banking on its premise to gain interest from audiences.

The monster, awkwardly called Larry, looks scary enough but possibly a bit too VFX-heavy.

Nevertheless, Come Play features some well-thought-out themes that add more depth to the horror aspects we can see in the trailer.

The film is directed by newcomer Jacob Chase, who adapts his own 2017 short film, Larry, into a feature.

Come Play releases digitally on 18 August 2021.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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