
Silly but Intriguing Trailer for New Evil-Dress Movie ‘In Fabric’

best silly movies

Silly only in the sense that the premise seems pretty ludicrous, but also because of the film’s tongue-in-cheek tone.

A cursed dress haunts its wearer in In Fabric, the new horror-comedy film from director Peter Strickland and powerhouse production company A24 films.

Sheila (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) sets out to buy a new dress from a department store during a busy winter sales period, only to discover later that wearing said dress comes with some devastating, and deadly consequences.

The film appears to be taking its stylistic inspiration from Giallo horror as well as David Lynch films (as alluded to in the trailer) and it seems to work quite well.

Its colour palette and grainy look makes the film feel like it’s been ripped straight out of 70’s-era horror and its peculiar storyline and editing style would make Lynch proud.

All of the above coupled with a less-than-serious tone should make In Fabric one to keep an eye on when it’s released, especially for anyone seeking for something outside the glossy Hollywood-type films they’re used to.

The film comes to us from director Peter Strickland, whose past films include The Duke of Burgundy (2014) and Berberian Sound Studio (2012).

Judging by the trailer for this one, we can expect a uniquely twisted, silly offering from the director.

Check it out below!

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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