
Blake Lively Stars in Killer Shark Movie ‘The Shallows’ – Trailer


A really cool new trailer has been released for the upcoming shark attack film The Shallows, starring Blake Lively.

The final trailer doesn’t reveal much at all except that there’s a lone surfer (Lively) with a shark after her.

This is the third trailer for the film and it’s a shame it wasn’t the first.

The first trailer seemed to reveal way too much of the film compared to this one which reveals nothing (I skipped the second).

The Shallows looks like a minimalist production that’s full of suspense, which is a hard feat to pull off successfully, but super rewarding when done right.

The film stars Blake Lively and is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, whose three most recent films include the Liam Neeson led Run All Night (2015), Non-Stop (2014) and Unknown (2011).

He also directed the horror film Orphan (2009) which was decent, so he can do both action and horror and judging by the trailers of The Shallows, the film will feature a combination of both.

Definitely looking forward to this when it comes out in cinemas on 18 August 2016.

IMDB Synopsis:

A mere 200 yards from shore, surfer Nancy is attacked by a great white shark, with her short journey to safety becoming the ultimate contest of wills.

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