
The Evolution of Stunts – Video


Hollywood stuntman Damien Walters features in this video about the evolution of stunts, showcasing a variety of awesome stunts and nods to feature films.

As film fans we love it when we see jaw-dropping stunts in movies, and the video below offers to showcase just how far Hollywood has come in pushing the boundaries of the highly specialised (and dangerous) field of work.

From the classic bar-fight to wire-work to setting a man on fire, the video also gives nods to films that have utilised specific stunts within them, such as North By Northwest and The Matrix to name a few.

Damien Walters has only been around the stunt-game for a short time now however he’s certainly making a name for himself.

Most recently he stunt-doubled for Michael Fassbender in the film Assassin’s Creed, setting a new record of a free-fall drop stunt (you can see that video here).

With those abilities, Walters should have quite a successful career ahead of him in Hollywood, as long as he can keep himself healthy as the work he does is no joke.

As viewers we only get to see the final product once a film is released, so we don’t completely appreciate the efforts and skills involved in practical stunt work of which Walters has mastered.

Check out the video below before seeing Walters in action as Fassbender’s stunt-double in Assassin’s Creed when it hits cinemas on 26 December 2016 in Australia.

Source: Screen Rant

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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