
Director of ‘The Exorcist’ Films Real-Life Exorcism for New Film

the exorcist exorcism

William Friedkin, the director of one of the most famous (and terrifying) horror movies of all time, The Exorcist (1973), has shot an actual exorcism for his new documentary.

The famous director’s first film in 5 years is a documentary called The Devil and Father Amorth, which follows the Vatican-based exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, in his ninth attempt at performing an exorcism on an Italian woman.

Friedkin was the only person allowed in the room while the exorcism was taking place, and shot the video on a high-definition digital stills camera, without added lighting or a crew.

“I went from being afraid of what could happen to feeling a great deal of empathy with this woman’s pain and suffering, which is obvious in the film.” – Said Friedkin of the experience.

Whether or not you believe in exorcisms and demonic possession, I can only imagine how creepy being in that room would have been for the director (or anyone for that matter), but thankfully we’ll get to see it at some point.

The documentary recently premiered at the Venice Film Festival, and is a fitting project for the famous director.

The Exorcist was released 44 years ago, and went on to change the horror-movie game.

The film was nominated for 10 Oscars (winning 2), and spawned several sequels and spinoffs, as well as a countless number of exorcism-based movies in the decades since.

At the time, it was so shocking that people were becoming sick and fainting at some of the cinema screenings, and you can surely understand why if you’ve seen the film.

The documentary does not have a release date as yet, however it’s one to keep on your radar, horror fans.

Is The Exorcist the greatest horror of all time?

Let us know your favourite horror film in the comments below, and check out the original, banned The Exorcist cinematic trailer from 1973 here.

Source: Screen Rant

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