
Scary Trailer for Upcoming Horror Film – ‘Insidious: The Last Key’

insidious the last key

The 4th film in the Insidious franchise, The Last Key, sees the film’s regular protagonist Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) dig deeper into her haunted history.

This latest instalment in the franchise follows Elise Rainer as she investigates a haunting in her own family home, forcing her to face fears unlike ever before.

Judging by the trailer, the film keeps in line with its predecessors thematically, and is full of excellent VFX, production, and creature design.

I’ve always thought the Insidious films were a bit underwhelming, basic paranormal-horrors.

The cool trailer for this may have persuaded me otherwise though, as it’s cut together brilliantly, showcasing some of the film’s strong points, including its well-developed horror elements.

One thing you certainly can’t deny about the Insidious films is that the creature-effects are second to none, making for some truely terrifying, and memorable imagery.

The film is directed by Adam Robitel, written by Leigh Wannell (who also directed the third film), and produced by horror maestro, and Australia’s own, James Wan.

Along with Lin Shaye, the film also stars Javier Botet, Josh Stewart, the aforementioned Wannell and Angus Sampson.

Whether or not the film ends up being any good is anyone’s guess, but I’ll watch anything James Wan is involved in, so am definitely looking forward to this one.

The Last Key releases on 18 January 2018 in Australia.

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