
The Cat is Out of the Box - 'Cats' Film a Colossal Fail - Review

Like everyone with access to the internet, I saw the two baffling trailers to Cats. The trailers are the epitome of creepiness and I would gleefully show them to friends/acquaintances/work colleagues who mentioned they were yet to set eyes on the CGI cat celebrities, so I was fully expecting the film to be a slightly off-color cinematic experience.


Lacking Fire, Cena’s New Film 'Playing with Fire' is Largely Forgettable

Remember when Vin Diesel took a break from driving furiously fast and ended up undercover as a babysitter having to take care of three unruly kids in The Pacifier (2005)? Well, replace Diesel with the bulky John Cena, reuse a few of the same man-struggles-to-provide-basic-care-to-children gags, throw in a storyline about pseudo-macho smokejumpers and you have the moderately funny flick Playing with Fire.