
Cult Classic Sci-Fi Film ‘Starship Troopers’ Gets a Modern Trailer

starship troopers

Paul Verhoeven’s underrated sci-fi cult classic Starship Troopers gets a fan edited modern trailer that holds up with anything Hollywood has to offer today.

The modern trailer is a nice tribute to the film that celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

The film blew me away the first time I saw it back when it first came out, and watching this modern trailer for it just makes me want to see it again.

One thing you’ll also notice in the trailer is just how well the special effects hold up for a 20 year old film.

In Starship Troopers, humans in a militaristic future are forced to band together to face an alien invasion, with some brutal consequences.

The film starred Casper Van Dien and Denise Richards who were both hot properties back in the late 90’s, but have since dropped off of mainstream cinema.

People that may not be aware of this film would have surely heard of Verhoeven’s more popular earlier films like Total Recall (1990) and Robocop (1987).

From memory, Troopers fits in nicely in the same scope of entertainment value as those, and is a must-see for all sci-fi action-film fans.

Check out the modern trailer below and share your thoughts in the comments below if you remember this film.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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