
‘Star Trek Beyond’ – New Featurette

star trek

Paramount Pictures International has released a new Star Trek Beyond featurette that focuses on the film’s main villain Krall, played by Idris Elba.

The short featurette gives us a bit of an insight into the character of Krall, with details provided by some of the film’s stars.

By the sounds of it, this villain has some empathetic qualities, which is great if the filmmakers can pull it off.

The first two Star Trek film under J.J. Abrams’ direction were fantastic, however this time Justin Lin takes the reigns as director.

He’s mostly known for the Fast & Furious films, so we can at least be sure that the film will be action-packed to the max.

That’s fine, however Star Trek needs to have a solid story as well to do it any justice.

The film is out July 21 in Australian cinemas.

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