
Oliver Stone PSA – Turn Off Your Phone


Check out a cool public service announcement video by Oliver Stone which debuted in front of a screening of his latest film Snowden at Comic-Con this year.

This video should be screened at the start of every movie.

The video is a funny rendition of the ones they usually play before a film is shown at the cinema, advising viewers to turn off their phones, but it also quickly turns dark as the director begins to emphasise the fact that our mobile devices are not very secure.

It’s the perfect fit for the theme of Stone’s latest film, Snowden.

Snowden is a film about the story of Edward Snowden, the notorious NSA/CIA whistleblower, who’s being portrayed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Stone’s upcoming film.

This will be Oliver Stone’s first film since 2012’s Savages, which was met with an average reception.

However Edward Snowden’s story should make for a thrilling film and with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the lead, it’s definitely one on my radar.

It’s due for release 16 September 2016 in the USA.

Source: Deadline

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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