
A Look at ‘Logan (2017)’ – In-Depth Video Analysis

logan 2017

Check out this cool video analysis of the 2017 Hugh Jackman film Logan, from Movies with Mikey – one of the best-film related YouTube channels around.

While the films he covers can be quite eclectic (see The Emperor’s New Groove, and Ladyhawke), he always brings a fresh perspective and analysis to everything he discusses.

One of his more recent projects is James Mangold’s Logan.

Personally, this film is currently tracking to be one of the best of 2017, and Mikey certainly agrees.

The beauty of his analysis is also the beauty of Logan itself.

Mikey focusses not on the superhero-ness of it all, but rather on the true heart of Logan as a film; a poignant and painful family drama, a story of humanity, and the flaws and weaknesses that come with it.

His analysis culminates in the eloquently-put notion that what makes Logan so powerful and so interesting is that our characters have their God-status ripped away.

Their mutant natures have little bearing on the emotional impact of the film, and we are instead asked to look at the heroes we once revered, and see them as people with all of the strengths and vulnerabilities that allows.

Check out the video below and let us know your thoughts on one of the best superhero movies in the comments below.

And if you haven’t already, check out our review of Logan here.

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Mogwai on the inside, gremlin on the outside. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of John Landis. Best Movie Snack: Maltesers


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