
‘The Neon Demon’ Gets Australian Release Date


Finally Australian audiences will be able to see Nicolas Winding Refn’s latest, the dazzling horror film, The Neon Demon.

Madman Entertainment has announced that The Neon Demon will be hitting Australian cinemas on October 20 for a limited run, so be sure to check your local cinema closer to that day for screen times.

The film has been out for a while now in international markets, and has screened a few times in Australia already, most recently at the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF).

It’s finally gotten distribution here, and with that a release date, so those unfortunate enough to have not seen it yet will get a chance soon, and I highly recommend seeing it on the big screen for the best experience.

I was lucky enough to see it at MIFF and loved it, and you can check out my review here.

The Neon Demon tells the story of Jesse (Elle Fanning), an aspiring young model trying to make it in the industry, with terrifying consequences.

The film may not be to everyone’s tastes, as it is a highly artistic visual and audible experience, but it is definitely unique in its style when compared to more mainstream horror films.

It’s definitely a film that needs to be seen at least once by all horror film fans, but more than likely you’ll walk out wanting to see it again.

The film also stars Australians Abbey Lee and Bella Heathcote, along with Keanu Reeves.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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