
‘The Mountain Between Us’ – Trailer for New Idris Elba Film

the mountain between us

Idris Elba and Kate Winslet star in The Mountain Between Us, a survival-themed film that appears to have come out of nowhere.

I love hearing about a new film with big name stars like this, one that feels like no one knew was being made.

What will make it better is if it ends up being any good, and judging by the trailer below, The Mountain Between Us looks like it could be a solid entry into the survival-genre of films.

It doesn’t look like it brings anything new to the table, but it could still be a well-made and intriguing genre piece.

Having a cast that includes Elba, Winslet, Dermot Mulroney and Beau Bridges certainly won’t hurt the film either.

In it, two passengers (Elba and Winslet) are involved in a plane crash that leaves them stranded in a snow covered wilderness.

The two must then venture out in extreme conditions looking for help, facing death at every turn.

It’s basic stuff, but a film like this always has the potential to make for tense viewing if done right.

The Mountain Between Us is directed by Hany Abu-Assad and is due out in cinemas on 19 October 2017.

Check out the trailer below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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