
Meet the Diverse Cast of ‘Mortal Kombat’ in New Video Featurette

most diverse cast in movies

Mortal Kombat (2021) features a diverse cast of international talent who have come together to portray a group of iconic pop-culture characters.

The new “Meet the Kast” featurette below features director Simon McQuoid and the film’s diverse cast talk about their experience working on the film and what the franchise and the characters mean to them.

It’s obvious to see that making Mortal Kombat was a labour of love for everyone involved.

The film is the latest cinematic entry of the highly successful video-game series of the same name, created by Ed Boon and John Tobias in 1991, before becoming a worldwide phenomenon.

What separated the Mortal Kombat video games from other fighting games was its over-the-top violence and brutality, which was the primary catalyst for developing a video game classification system.

Despite many controversies surrounding the violence depicted in the games, Mortal Kombat persevered and went on to spawn countless console and arcade games, as well as two cult-classic video-game movies in the 90s.

The original two films didn’t feature any violence (or fatalities, as they’re known) depicted in the video games.

However, this time around, director Simon McQuoid, producer James Wan, and Warner Brothers have decided to go all-in on the violence, with word out from the production that they haven’t held back much.

Consequently, Mortal Kombat has received an R18+ rating in Australia, much to the delight of fans.

Check out the featurette below and the trailer here before seeing the film in Australian cinemas from 22 April (23 April and HBO Max in the States).

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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