
‘Killing Gunther’ – Trailer for New Schwarzenegger Action-Comedy

killing gunther trailer

Schwarzenegger takes the back seat to a cast of mostly unknowns in the action-comedy film Killing Gunther, and the trailer shows promise!

Schwarzenegger plays Gunther – an elite hitman who currently has a contract out on his head.

The film follows a group of hitmen out to kill the elusive Gunther, with hilarious results.

Killing Gunther appears to be a low-budget film, and it marks the directorial debut of writer/actor/director Taran Killam.

The trailer certainly shows promise on the comedy-front, however the style felt a bit hard to grasp.

For instance, it looks as though the film might be a mixture of mockumentary/classic narrative style, or it may purely be a mockumentary style film – it was hard to figure out decisively from the trailer.

In any case, Schwarzenegger looks to be in good form here, as he’s never been a stranger to comedy films in the past, and they suit him well.

Considering his post-Governer acting career has been average at best, this role could be a nice change of pace for the legendary actor.

More so, it’s good to see him attach his name and star-power to this film, in order to help these emerging actors and filmmakers get some recognition.

The film also stars Cobie Smoulders, Hannah Simone and director Taran Killam himself.

There’s no release date for the film as yet, but it’s definitely one to keep on your radar.

What do you think of Schwarzenegger’s comedic outing here and is it something you’re likely to see?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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