
‘The Hollow Point’ – Trailer for New Small Town Thriller Film

hollow point

Check out the awesome trailer for The Hollow Point, a new modern-western thriller film starring Ian McShane and Patrick Wilson.

The film is based in a small town near the US/Mexico border and follows the local sheriff’s fight against gun smugglers whose aim is to arm the Mexican drug cartels.

The film looks action-packed and from what we can see in the trailer, it looks like it may have a thrilling story to boot.

While the action and violence overshadow everything else in the trailer, we still get an idea of what to expect from the film by director Gonzalo López-Gallego, who most recently directed the Sharlto Copley starring horror film Open Grave.

That film had things going for it in it’s horror/mystery elements, but ultimately fell a bit short in the end, so I’m hoping The Hollow Point isn’t a case of great trailer – average film.

Nevertheless there’s something specifically appealing about small town thriller films that when done right, are usually fantastic.

The film features a who’s who of non a-list stars that include Patrick Wilson, Ian McShane and John Leguizamo, who should all be getting more high profile roles in my opinion.

The Hollow Point releases on 16 December in the USA.


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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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