
Hellish Action Aplenty in New Red-Band Trailer for ‘Hellboy’ Movie

hellish movies

Those that are Satanically inclined will love the hellish art direction and action featured in the new trailer for the upcoming Hellboy movie.

Discovered from the depths of Hell, Hellboy (David Harbour) is trained to become Earth’s saviour when the evil sorceress, Nimue the Blood Queen (Milla Jovovich), appears to rain havoc on the world.

The new trailer delivers a lot in terms of story and the film’s visual style, action and gore that audiences can expect.

Story-wise, there’s not a lot to be desired as it seems pretty run-of-the-mill.

It appears 2019’s Hellboy film will cover the origins of the character, though it’s still uncertain as to whether or not this will be an ‘origin’ film, or whether director Neil Marshall will simply skim over the details.

The most impressive thing about the film from the new trailer is its art direction, which looks superb.

The hellish characters featured in the film look fantastic and it appears there was much thought put to the overall production design.

Hellboy was recently given an R-rating in the US, meaning the filmmakers need not hold back on the gory violence, some of which we can see in the new trailer.

The film seems to have a bit of wit and humour in its script, so overall it should make for some entertaining viewing when it releases on 12 April 2019.

Check out the trailer and cool new poster below.

hellboy movie poster

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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