
‘Annabelle Comes Home’ – ‘Growing Up Warren’ Featurette

ed and lorraine warren

The new ‘Growing Up Warren’ featurette contains interviews with the daughter and son-in-law of the real-life Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The Warrens‘ daughter, Judy, is one of the key characters in the new film Annabelle Comes Home, making it even more frightening to know that the evil doll Annabelle essentially comes from the real world.

Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as Ed and Lorraine respectively in the upcoming film, with their daughter Judy played by the young actress, Mckenna Grace.

For those unaware, the Warrens were a real-life ghost-hunting husband-and-wife team, whose story was brought to the public light following James Wan’s popular 2013 horror film, The Conjuring.

Obviously, creative liberties were taken on the film, though based on what we can see in this new featurette, the doll Annabelle is a real-life artefact in the Warrens’ collection of haunted items.

Annabelle Comes Home supersedes Annabelle (2014) and Annabelle: Creation (2017) as part of the evil doll’s spinoff series, all set in The Conjuring shared movie universe.

While the films haven’t been a hit with the critics, the characters and the classic jump-scare trope that’s used to perfection in these films appeals to a wide-audience, hence all the sequels and further spinoffs, including 2018’s, The Nun.

The scary doll Annabelle will be back on cinema screens from 27 June 2019.

Check out the cool new featurette below as well as the film’s trailer here, if you haven’t already.

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