
All of Chris Nolan’s Movies Get the Honest Trailers Treatment

chris nolan movies

Chris Nolan, one of the greatest living directors of the modern age, and his films get a funny Honest Trailers treatment.

If you thought the films of living legend Christopher Nolan were just too amazing to fault… You’d be wrong.

As the latest Honest Trailer below shows, even the greatest auteur of our time is not spared from mockery.

The hilarious trailer highlights the many recurring themes in Nolan’s films, which is quite remarkable if like me, you haven’t put much thought into it before.

It almost nearly cheapens his work when you consider that each of his films have repeating motifs.

But of course, talking in that manner would be blasphemous; to say that about a director who has given us films like The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012), Inception (2010) and Dunkirk (2017).

And, it’s fairly common for all master directors to have similar recurring themes and styles throughout their catalogue of films – it’s just funny when it’s laid out the way the Honest Trailers team have done so.

As of this writing, there’s no word on what Nolan’s next potential masterpiece is going to be, but we’ll report the news once he signs on to his next project.

Check out the latest funny video below, and let us know your favourite Chris Nolan film in the comments below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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