
Behind the Scenes on ‘Gemini Man’ Showcases Impressive New VFX

making of gemini man

This new video takes us behind the scenes on Will Smith’s upcoming sci-fi film, Gemini Man, and highlights some of the powerful visual effects in the film.

Ang Lee directs Will Smith in the upcoming Gemini Man, a film about an elite, but washed up assassin who is forced to face off against a younger, cloned version of himself.

Themes of cloning have been around in science-fiction cinema forever now, though what Smith, Lee and producer Jerry Bruckheimer have for us here still looks to be a lot of fun.

The action-packed film will feature impressive visual effects by some of the industry’s best artists, which includes a younger version of Will Smith.

This isn’t the same de-aging tech that we’ve seen before in Marvel films, but rather, it’s all Will Smith in the role of his younger self, but with a completely CGI-modeled face and head.

It’s all outlined in the new video below and while it is truly amazing to see technology come this far, it’s still somewhat just not quite right.

The look of young-Smith is fantastic, but it’s not quite at the point where it’s indistinguishable from the real thing.

We’re getting close, though, and as mentioned in the video, this new tech could change the future of filmmaking forever.

Gemini Man features a supporting cast that includes Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong.

It’s due out in cinemas on 10 October 2019.

Check out the cool new video below before the full trailer drops tomorrow (see the film’s first teaser here).

What do you think of this new technology/de-aging of actors in films?

Does it creep you out or are you all for it?

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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