
‘Aftermath’ – Trailer for New Arnold Schwarzenegger Film

Arnold Schwarzenegger returns to the big screen since his last effort in the poorly received Terminator Genisys (2015), in what could be a return to form.

One could argue Arnold never really had any form when it came to acting, however his contribution to the industry is undeniable, earning him a well-deserved living-legend status in my book.

As such, I will see any new movie he releases and thankfully his latest Aftermath, looks rather intriguing.

The film is based on true events, that sees construction worker Roman (Schwarzenegger) seek revenge on an air-traffic controller (Scoot McNairy) after an error on his part causes a fatal plane crash, killing Roman’s wife and child.

The airline accident occurred in Germany back in 2002, and while I haven’t read too much into it in order to know as little as possible before seeing the film, it sounds like it makes for some captivating drama for a film, if done right.

The question then remains, can director Elliott Lester (of whom I’d never heard of before this) come up with the goods?

McNairy and Schwarzenegger make for an interesting pairing, and I’m big fans of both so the casting is there – we’ll just need to see how Lester goes with combining all the dramatic elements.

Aftermath is due for release on 7 April 2017 in the USA, however no word as yet for a local Australian release date.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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