
‘Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition’ Live Commentary with Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder Batman v Superman commentary

Zack Snyder recently sat down and recorded an audio commentary track that fans can listen to while watching Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition.

The heavily criticized DCEU film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice got an extended cut dubbed the Ultimate Edition soon after its theatrical release in 2016, which featured an extra thirty minutes of footage that cleared up some plot holes.

One thing that was missing from that home video release, however, was a director’s audio commentary track.

With all the internet buzz surrounding the mythical Snyder Cut of Justice League (2017), the director decided to sit down and film an audio track for BvS: Ultimate Edition, while hosting a live watch party through the social media app Vero, where he has been actively teasing fans with images from his unfinished cut of Justice League.

For those unaware, Snyder’s original vision for Justice League was scrapped after the director left the production for personal reasons, with The Avengers (2012) director Joss Whedon stepping in to take over.

Whedon’s Justice League was tightened and brightened up, and it was obvious to fans that the film was a mish-mash of styles with some sub-standard CGI that ultimately made for a poor outing for DC Comics‘ popular superhero team.

Since then, fans have been clamoring for a Snyder Cut of the film, which would see the director step back in and make some adjustments, giving audiences the film he originally had set for them.

Sadly, the Synder Cut may never be released, though WarnerMedia did recently appoint a new CEO in Jason Kilar, who has been liking Zack Snyder’s Twitter posts about the much-rumored director’s cut, sending fans into a frenzy.

While fans eagerly await more news and revelations about the Justice League Snyder Cut, they can tune in and catch the director’s revealing three-plus hour audio commentary track for BvS: Ultimate Edition.

For the best experience, simply play your copy of BvS: Ultimate Edition and the commentary track simultaneously to hear Snyder share some of his viewpoints on the film.

Snyder addresses various aspects of the plot that would have made for a different film, of which you can read more about here.

The full audio track, which includes video of Zack Snyder commenting all the way through can be played below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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