
‘Terminator 2’: 3D Re-Release Trailer Featuring James Cameron

james cameron terminator 2

James Cameron brings Terminator 2: Judgment Day back to theatres in a 3D remastering of the modern classic starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The film is being released in theatres again to celebrate its 25th anniversary, in spectacular 3D (if James Cameron is to be believed).

Films that have 3D added to them in post-production generally don’t fare too well experience-wise – as opposed to being shot specifically using 3D cameras – but if you can trust anyone to add 3D to an older film and get an awesome experience out of it, then you can trust Cameron.

The directing-wizard has been on the forefront of filmmaking technology his whole career, even currently working on bringing his upcoming Avatar films to the screen utilising new 3D technology that lets you get the same 3D experience you’re used to, but without the glasses.

The upcoming T2 restoration not only has 3D added to it, but it also just looks a lot more polished and visually dynamic (see comparison video below the trailer).

This new polishing the film is getting makes it look way younger than its age, and the cinema re-release brings with it a good option for those that either weren’t alive when it originally released, or those that may have missed out back in the day, to see it for the first time in cinemas.

Terminator 2 is universally recognised as one of the best sci-fi films of all time, catapulting Arnold Schwarzenegger into super-mega-stardom, so it’s one I’m really looking forward to.

It releases across cinemas on 24 August 2017.

Check out the trailer and comparison videos, and leave a comment below if you plan to check the film out when it releases.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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