Suppose you had the option in a game of Scrabble to play the word SACCHARINE or ANARCHIC. Saccharine, meaning excessively sweet and sentimental, and anarchic, much to do with lacking control over circumstances, are both worth more than 15 points but also summarise the range of emotions experienced by Bill Nighy and company in the 2019 British drama-comedy, Sometimes Always Never.
Pairing Anne Hathaway’s flawlessness with Rebel Wilson’s trademark crude humour, The Hustle follows two con artists as they team up to scam a tech millionaire.
You’d think it’d be a pie in the face for Sony Pictures Classics to release a film about iconic comedy duo Laurel and Hardy without having their stage name in the title but in the case of Stan & Ollie, it speaks a testament to the genius of the pairing both on and away from the spotlight.
The Sapphires (2012) director Wayne Blair returns with his latest heartwarming rom-com Top End Wedding, starring Gwilym Lee and Miranda Tapsell.
Matthew McConaughey plays an adventurous stoner in the upcoming Harmony Korine comedy film The Beach Bum.
Paramount has given the green light for Coming To America 2 to go ahead with Eddie Murphy on-board reprising his role from the 1988 comedy classic.
Regina Hall plays a hard-nosed company boss that’s forced to re-evaluate her character after being transformed into a young version of herself.
Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne star alongside each other in Instant Family, a humorous and at times overly sentimental comedy/drama.
Puberty is an unenjoyable experience for all, and where coming-of-age films have failed to look at teenage-dom through this lens of authenticity, comedian Bo Burnham succeeds in his extremely sincere writing and directorial debut, Eighth Grade.
The first Men in Black International trailer has dropped, bringing with it some fresh new faces to reboot the popular film franchise.
Cate Blanchett stars in the new drama/comedy/mystery film from acclaimed director Richard Linklater, Where’d You Go, Bernadette.
When most people think about Zach Braff, the first thing they will think about is his role as J.D. in the hit TV series Scrubs.
The coming-of-age US indie darling from comedian Bo Burnham and starring rising talent Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade, gets an Australian release date.
What Men Want features Taraji P. Henson in this new comedy film from director Adam Shankman and the producers of Ride Along (2014) and Girls Trip (2017).
Tess Dobré talks with April Shepherd about all things Sugar Cube, Melbourne’s hospitality community and portraying strong female protagonists.
The elements which make for great desserts can also be found in the qualities of a great film. They are sweet, dense and can leave a great taste long after their consumption.