
‘Stranger Things’ – References to 70-80’s Movies Video


A new video has surfaced which showcases the movies that the popular Netflix Original TV series Stranger Things references throughout the series.

The show was recently released and was met with a high amount of praise.

Most of the praise was received due to its similarities in style to fantasy/adventure/horror film’s of the 70-80’s, but of course it’s got a cool story and the cast and performances are excellent.

The video was created by the Vimeo user Ulysse Thevenon and it literally shows side-by-side comparisons of shots used in Stranger Things, with shots from beloved films such as  The Goonies, Alien, E.T, Firestarter and several others.

I’ve seen the show and really enjoyed it, however I can’t help but feel a bit cheated after watching this video.

Filmmakers do this all the time though and it’s nearly impossible to come up with original shots these days, but it’s uncanny just how close these shots are to the films they reference.

Stranger Things is out now on Netflix and it stars Winona Ryder and David Harbour, along with a really good cast of child actors, that all manage to deliver that nostalgic charm the show is so desperately trying to achieve.

For anyone that hasn’t heard about the series, the plot is as follows (per Wikipedia):

On November 6, 1983 in Indiana, 12-year-old Will Byers vanishes mysteriously. Will’s mother, Joyce, becomes frantic and tries to find Will, while Police Chief Hopper begins his own investigation. The very next day a mysterious girl with strange abilities appears who knows the whereabouts of Will. But as they get closer to the truth they will have to face not only a sinister government agency, but a more insidious force who plans on devouring them all.

Check out the video as well as a cool retro-inspired poster below and please note, it is SPOILER-ish.


Source: Vimeo

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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