
‘Split’ – Trailer

split trailer

M. Night Shyamalan’s Split trailer has been released, and it doesn’t look great, but it is intriguing.

How Shyamalan still gets work in Hollywood – and with big name stars – is beyond anyone’s guess.

After breaking out with the fantastic film The Sixth Sense back in 1999 and following it up with 2000’s Unbreakable and 2002’s Signs, Shyamalan has been on a shocking run, directing five terrible films in a row.

His last film The Visit, was better than anything he’d done in at least ten years, but still nowhere near good enough to redeem himself.

Split stars James McAvoy as a man with twenty-three different personalities who abducts three teenage girls (for reasons unknown at this stage).

The film does have a very creepy plot as you’ll see in the trailer and if it’s one thing the director is good at, is coming up with unique stories for his films.

It looks like it will have plenty of twists as well which is typical of the director’s style.

The film also stars the super-talented Anya Taylor-Joy and is due for release January 20 in the USA.

I won’t hold my breath for this one, but would still like to see it – plus going in with extremely low expectations is probably the best thing you can do for an M. Night Shyamalan film.

Check out the Split trailer below.

IMDB Synopsis:

Kevin, a man with at least 23 different personalities, is compelled to abduct three teenage girls. As they are held captive, a final personality – “The Beast” – begins to materialize.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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