
‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ – First Trailer

spider-man homecoming

The first official trailer for the highly anticipated film Spider-Man: Homecoming has been released, starring Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this trailer, ever since Tom Holland made his debut as the new Spider-Man in this year’s Captain America: Civil War – and it doesn’t disappoint.

This first trailer sets the tone for the film, which appears to be a combination of a classic teen-movie and your standard blockbuster spectacle, and as long as it doesn’t end up being too derivative, it could work really well.

Tom Holland was an excellent casting choice for the film, proven by his standout performance in the last Captain America film.

Homecoming also stars Robert Downy Jr., who reprises his role as Tony Stark/Iron Man, along with Michael Keaton, who appears to be playing the big bad of the film, The Vulture.

Keaton’s addition just gives the film that extra credibility, and having Downey Jr. in there as part of Marvel and Sony’s co-production of this film should only help cast a wider net for the film’s audience when it releases.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is directed by Jon Watts, whose past credits include Cop Car (2015) and Clown (2014).

Cop Car was a cool film featuring two young teenage leads that get into trouble after stealing a cop car and taking it for a joy ride, and is likely the basis for what got him this job.

The film is due out on 7 July 2017 in the USA, and likely around the same time worldwide.

Check out the cool first trailer below.

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