
‘Logan’ – First Official Trailer for The Wolverine Sequel


The first trailer for Logan is out, featuring Hugh Jackman’s last turn as Wolverine, along with Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier, directed by James Mangold.

I was eagerly anticipating this trailer, especially with all the recent image teasers on social media, and it has exceeded my expectations.

The trailer doesn’t give much a way plot-wise, however we get to see an ageing, battered and scarred Hugh Jackman as Logan, and a similarly weary Charles Xavier, played by Patrick Stewart who reprises one of his most popular roles.

We’re also introduced to a mystery character, a young girl with similar powers to Logan’s, played by Dafne Keen.

Rumours suggest she’ll be playing the mutant X-23, who is essentially a clone of Wolverine, as per the comic-book storyline.

The character has been rumoured to appear in this film for some time now, and it makes sense that Jackman’s Logan character will be passing on the torch to the youngster for future films (in the comics X-23 is the current Wolverine).

The most outstanding feature of the trailer is the tone the filmmakers are trying to achieve.

It definitely doesn’t look like your typical superhero movie, and it looks like there will be a big emphasis on family melodrama, where Logan may have to take the young mutant under his wing and protect her.

We also get to see a glimpse of the action, which should be pretty violent in comparison to any past outings where we’ve seen the character, as it’s going for an R rating in America, which will likely give us Deadpool-levels of violence.

Logan stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant and Dafne Keen and it hits theatres on 3 March 2017.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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looks great!