
Liam Neeson Auditions for Santa – Video

liam neeson santa

Not too sure Liam Neeson gets the idea behind the jolly fat man in this comedy sketch from the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Neeson can’t seem to shake his Taken persona in this funny comedy sketch, as he attempts to audition for the role of a more-serious Santa Claus.

It’s funny because it’s a combination of persona’s from two different ends of the spectrum; one jolly and merry, the other scary and dangerous.

However like you’ll see in the video, there is a bit of a concerning sense of danger when it comes to the classic Santa Claus, especially when you consider he’s making lists of boys and girls who are naughty and nice.

Something to think about.

Neeson can next be seen in Martin Scorsese’s epic drama film Silence (see the trailer here).

Check out the funny video below.

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