
Second Trailer for ‘Jumanji’ Sequel Looks Far Better than it Should

jumanji sequel

The second trailer for the upcoming Jumanji sequel – Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle has dropped – and just try not to enjoy it.

The film follows the same formula as the original 1995 Robin Williams-led film, where 4 young friends are sucked into a video game (a board-game in the original film) and take the places of their game characters in the dangerous world of Jumanji.

This latest trailer for the film turns up the charm and humour, really building the excitement for what most would have presumed (and likely still do) to be a bad film.

Most reboots/sequels to beloved films tend to be below average, but it looks like Columbia and Sony Pictures may have cracked the code with this one.

The casting is superb with Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan taking top billings, and they all seem to be superbly compatible alongside each other with the type of humour the film is going for.

Couple that with the fun tone the film is setting, and we should be in for an entertaining piece of cinema for the upcoming Christmas period.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle releases across cinemas on 26 December 2017.

Check out the trailer below and let us know in the comments if you think this film can actually be any good.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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