
Funny Honest Trailer for M. Night Shyamalan’s Cult Classic ‘Unbreakable’

M. Night Shyamalan movies

M. Night Shyamalan’s cult classic superhero film Unbreakable gets the Honest Trailer treatment, highlighting many of the film’s quirks.

Unbreakable was Shyamalan’s follow-up to his groundbreaking film The Sixth Sense (1999) and went on to become highly regarded amongst fans of the director.

The film was released at a time before the mega-blockbuster superhero films we’re used to today and featured a dialled down superhero story with minimal special effects.

Some of that is mentioned in the new Honest Trailer below, as well as digs to Bruce Willis’s character David Dunn pausing between a lot of his sentences, and a hilarious reference to the ‘power of stares’ in the film.

Shyamalan went on to write, produce and direct a string of stinkers not long after the release of Unbreakable but has recently had somewhat of a resurgence in the industry, with his recent film Split (2016) earning the adoration of fans and critics.

His new film Glass (releasing January 2019) sees the reunion of the characters from Unbreakable, combined with the characters from Split in what is a larger shared universe between the films.

You can check out the trailer for Glass here if you haven’t seen it already, and it looks to be a doozy.

See the latest Honest Trailer below, and click here to see our past coverage of other funny Honest Trailers.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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