
‘Happy Gilmore’ Trailer Recut as Thriller – Happy Killmore

happy gilmore

The 1996 comedy classic that put Adam Sandler on the map, Happy Gilmore, gets recut as a thriller in this fantastic, funny fan-made trailer.

Anyone that’s been following site knows that we love these videos, as they’re often done really well and serve as a good indicator of just how easy a film’s tone can be changed with some clever video editing.

Adam Sandler’s most popular film Happy Gilmore gets the latest treatment, being recut as a thriller.

The new tone outlined in this trailer works really well, as the film is full of violence and aggression, and features of plenty of incriminating lines in its script that could easily make it work as a thriller, as you’ll see in the video below.

Sandler has made quite the career for himself post Gilmore, and while many of his films have been met with mixed reactions over the years, it’s hard to deny the hard-working actor’s place in comedy-movie history.

This film still remains one of his best (if not his best), so fans of the film should get a kick out of this new video.

Sandler was recently seen in the Netflix dramedy film The Meyerowitz Stories, and you can read our review of it here.


Source: Geek Tyrant

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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