
Guardians’ Inferno – ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ Parody Music Video

Guardians' Inferno

Created by the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 director James Gunn and music supervisor Tyler Bates, Guardians’ Inferno featuring David Hasselhoff has to be the funnest advertisement for a DVD release I’ve ever seen.

Over three-and-a-half minutes of retro synth sounds and over-the-top guitar riffs perfectly match this ridiculous parody music video.

Practically all of the film’s cast are present in ridiculous outfits and skin-tight spandex, as they purposely pretend to play fake instruments so poorly (Dave Batista, the ex-wrestler who plays Drax the Destroyer, wearing a fake fro and flavour patch, doing the monkey with cardboard wings attached to its titanic arms).

The lyrics to the music video are limited and the song is reminiscent of the film’s triumphant score, but the words are a fun combination of nonsense referring to various aspects of the film’s storyline, characters and costumes.

Not only does Stan Lee make an appearance (which most of the younger generation probably JUST know him for these days – his constant cameos), but even Guillermo from The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon is featured briefly in this over the top music video (he also originally had a small role in the actual movie but can barely be seen in the film’s final cut, so at least he’s in this nonsensical music video).

Karen Gillian (who plays Nebula, the ex-villain and ex-Doctor Who companion) seems to have the most fun and commits 110% to her backup dancing.

Sean Gunn gets several cameos (all with ridiculous facial hair), being the brother of the director and writer of the song (for any Gilmore Girls fans out there who dreamed of Kirk producing his own music video – I like to imagine this is pretty close to what it would be).

Fun fact – the fake band ‘The Sneepers’, that are credited in the music video as the artist of the song, is a reference to an extremely unimportant alien race in the Marvel universe that have no special powers or abilities, closely resemble the human race, but have webbed feet, pointed ears and either three pectorals or three beasts per gender.

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Educational video editor by day, Superhero film binger by night. Deserted Island Movie Collection: Everything produced by the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Best Movie Snack: Takeaway Chinese food


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