
‘Fruit Ninja’ Movie in the Works


The popular fruit-slicing and dicing mobile game Fruit Ninja gets its own film at New Line, which begs the question, why?

Well The Angry Birds Movie pulled in approximately $346.5 million USD at the global box office, so the answer must be, why not?

That amount doesn’t sound like a lot these days, but as far as video-game adaptations go, that film comes in second highest of all-time, with 2001’s Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in the all-time lead at the American domestic box office.

Whether the Fruit Ninja film ends up being good or not, it’s still good news for Australian developers Halfbrick Studios, who created the game that went on to become the second-highest-selling iOS game of all time with over 1 billion downloads.

The early word is that the film will be a live-action family comedy, and not an animation.

We got Angry Birds and we’re getting a Pokemon Go movie after the massive success of that mobile game, so does this mean that Hollywood will now start to pick up more successful mobile game franchises to turn into movies?

And will these mobile-game adaptations break the video-game movie curse (unlikely)?

We’ll report more on the Fruit Ninja movie as more news is announced and in the meantime, check out this cool fan video below of a real life fruit ninja.

Source: THR

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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