
First Look at Stephen Merchant in ‘Logan’

Stephen Merchant

Today we get our first look at funny-man Stephen Merchant as the mutant Caliban in the upcoming The Wolverine sequel, Logan.

So this is a pretty creepy image of the comedic actor in the film Logan, which (along with the other images revealed for the film so far) gives us another indication in the direction the film is going in visually.

It will be interesting to see Merchant play this role, as for anyone that’s followed the actor’s career knows that he is great in all of his comedy outings, so this will be a change of pace for him.

For anyone unaware, Merchant created the original The Office TV show with Ricky Gervais, but has also appeared in several movies and TV shows that include Hot Fuzz, The Invention of Lying, Life’s Too Short and the short-lived but hilarious HBO series Hello Ladies.

It’s suggested that Merchant will be playing the character of Caliban in Logan, who is a mutant with abilities in sensing and tracking down other mutants, along with the ability to channel the emotions of people to enhance his strength.

Caliban had a small appearance in the recent X-Men: Apocalypse, as a shady mutant offering underground transportation to other mutants, and was played by Tómas Lemarquis.

Whether or not an explanation will be given for the re-casting in the film’s story is yet to be seen (and probably unlikely), however Logan is set at least 30 years after Apocalypse, so the time-difference is possibly a simple enough explanation to give the character a slightly different look.

Either way it seems like strange casting to have a comedic actor like Stephen Merchant in this film, but it’s still welcome, as he’s definitely worthy of more visibility in Hollywood.

Check out the latest image below.

Source: Screen Rant

Stephen Merchant

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