
‘Fatale’ Movie Makes for the Perfect Guilty Pleasure Thriller

best guilty pleasure thriller movies

We love a guilty pleasure thriller movie from time-to-time, and Deon Taylor’s Fatale seems to hit all the right notes for a fun viewing experience.

Michael Ealy plays Derrick, a cheating husband who after a one-night-stand, becomes the victim of a home invasion.

The twist being, the detective in charge of the case (Hilary Swank) is the woman he slept with and is not too happy about being used and discarded.

She then proceeds to put Derrick through hell, including framing him for murder.

Fatale goes all in with the ‘woman scorned’ theme and looks like it has a lot of fun with it.

The trailer for the film features plenty of intrigue, drama, (cheap) thrills, and action to boot.

Films like these often attract an audience looking for a guilty pleasure thriller movie night, which always makes for a good time.

Director Deon Taylor already directed a film of a similar nature in 2019’s The Intruder, which also starred Michael Ealy and was written by Fatale screenwriter David Loughery.

The Intruder also featured a psychopath making the lives of its protagonists a living hell and was a super-entertaining watch.

We can be sure to expect more of the same from Fatale when it releases in US cinemas on 18 December 2020.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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