
‘The Discovery’ – Trailer for New Robert Redford Netflix Film

Robert Redford The Discovery

The veteran screen actor Robert Redford stars in this Netflix exclusive film that features high-concept themes along with a great cast.

The discovery in the film’s title refers to Redford’s character having discovered the existence of an afterlife, which consequently causes an immense number of suicides.

It appears the film will also follow Jason Segel’s and Rooney Mara’s characters as part of a dramatic love-story angle.

The film poses some serious questions about the debatable topic of life after death, and tackles the idea of what could happen were it to be revealed that there was in fact life after death, and what consequences that would bring.

It seems like a fairly novel idea for a film, which should make for some intriguing viewing.

This is especially so when you consider the great casting in The Discovery, that includes Redford, Jason Segel, Rooney Mara, Riley Keough and Jesse Plemons.

The film is directed by Charlie McDowell, who directed the fantastic film The One I Love (2014); another film with very twisted ideas and a unique sci-fi story.

The Discovery is due out on March 31 and is exclusive to Netflix, increasing their already growing catalogue of high-quality in-house productions and acquisitions.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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