
Cool New Retro Style IMAX Poster for ‘Logan’

logan imax retro poster

A new retro style poster has just been released for the upcoming Hugh Jackman film Logan featuring some awesome hand-drawn illustrations.

The poster was recently released by director James Mangold via his Twitter account, in the style reminiscent of old-school 70’s-style film posters.

It features all the key players in the film, including Logan (Jackman), Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), Laura Kinney/X-23 (Dafne Keen), and the film’s villain Donald Pierce (Boyd Holbrook).

It’s a beautiful looking alternate poster, in a style that rarely gets released for big budget Hollywood films these days, and the specific style it’s going for may allude to the tone the film is aiming to set – one inspired by films of the 70’s retro era.

Logan sees Hugh Jackman reprise his role as Logan/Wolverine for the very last time, a role that he first played way back in 2000’s X-Men.

Since that film we’ve seen an exponential rise of films based on characters to come out of comic book properties, but none have received the loyalty and dedication a character like Jackman has with his.

It will be sad to see him go, but also very interesting to see what Fox does with his character, and more so who they get to replace Jackman.

Logan hits Australian cinemas on 2 March 2017, check out the poster below.

logan imax poster

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