
‘Breaking a Monster’ – Trailer

A trailer for the new documentary Breaking a Monster has just dropped. The film follows the band Unlocking the Truth – a young trio of heavy metal musicians from Brooklyn, as they make their way up from playing on the streets of New York to opening up for Metallica and getting a record deal with Sony. Oh and they’re only 13 years old.

The trailer looks interesting in that these kids are probably not what you’d envision when you think of a heavy metal band. The African-American trio from Brooklyn in New York are paying their dues in the music business and based on the trailer, the film appears to cover all the elements involved in making it in the industry, including the highs and lows that come with it.

The documentary stars band members Malcolm Brickhouse on vocals & guitar, Alec Atkins on bass, and Jarad Dawkins on drums and is directed by Luke Meyer.

Check out the trailer below for what appears to be an intriguing look into what it takes to make it as a band and the trials and tribulations involved when the band members are barely into high-school.

IMDB Synopsis:

BREAKING A MONSTER chronicles the break-out year of the band UNLOCKING THE TRUTH, following 13-year-old members Alec Atkins, Malcolm Brickhouse and Jarad Dawkins as they first encounter stardom and the music industry, transcending childhood to become the rock stars they always dreamed of being.

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