
‘Blair Witch’ – Trailer For New Sequel


It was announced that an official sequel to the original Blair Witch would be releasing later this year by director Adam Wingard and we have the trailer.

It appears the filmmakers have once again tried to pull the wool over our eyes by originally saying the film was going to be called The Woods, with no mention of The Blair Witch Project.

This little act of deception for the sequel was obviously not as ingenious as the marketing scheme used the first time around, but it still surprised people.

To those that may have forgotten, the original film back in 1999 had one of the best marketing campaigns of all time, where the filmmakers actually got people believing their found footage film, was actual real footage.

That film pioneered the way for found footage horrors (and other genres) and it still holds up as one of the best.

Going by the trailer, it seems like the film will follow the same basic plot of the original, which is fine as long as they get it right and it’s actually scary (it looks like they’re on the right path though as you’ll see in the trailer).

Adam Wingard directs the sequel and is a perfect choice.

Two of his past films of note include You’re Next and The Guest, both of which are standouts on the low-budget horror circuit and are better than some of the big mainstream stuff we’re getting today.

Blair Witch stars Valorie Curry, Callie Hernandez, James Allen McCune, Brandon Scott, Wes Robinson, Corbin Reid – no big names, but then again big names aren’t necessary as the brand (and director) has a cult following which will draw in the viewers, and if it’s any good, this could be Wingard’s break into Hollywood.

The film is due out on 16 September 2016 in the USA, check out the trailer below.

IMDB Synopsis:

Involve a group of college students on a camping trip who discover they are not alone.

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