
‘True History of the Kelly Gang’ Movie is Not So True After All – Trailer

True History of the Kelly Gang trailer

The infamous Australian bushranger Ned Kelly and his gang are the subjects of the upcoming film True History of the Kelly Gang, though things aren’t so true.

George MacKay plays the Australian outlaw Ned Kelly in this upcoming film from Justin Kurzel, which is based on the novel of the same name from author Peter Carey.

The film and novel are loosely based around the true life-story of one of Australia’s most recognisable historical figures, with plenty of artistic liberties taken by the creators.

The film follows Kelly as a young boy and we are introduced to the characters that shape his life and worldview before he goes on to create the Kelly Gang.

We can see from the trailer that violence surrounds Kelly’s life from a young age and it seems he was destined for a life of crime.

Whether or not that aspect of his life is historically accurate is anyone’s guess, but either way, it should make for some entertaining viewing.

The film looks highly stylised which should work to its benefit, especially in separating it from some earlier works that have dealt with the famous outlaw, the likes of 2003’s Ned Kelly with Heath Ledger and 1970’s Mick Jagger-led film of the same name.

Kurzel is a promising Australian director who broke out on the scene with the disturbingly excellent Snowtown back in 2011.

He followed that up in 2015 with the equally impressive Macbeth but has seemingly taken a step backwards since then with 2016’s Assassin’s Creedwhich bombed.

We’re hoping he can bounce back with this one.

True History of the Kelly Gang features an outstanding supporting cast that includes Nicholas Hoult, Russell Crowe, Essie Davis, Charlie Hunnam and introduces Orlando Schwerdt as the young Ned.

The film releases exclusively on the Stan streaming service on Australia Day (26 January 2020).

Check out the trailer below!

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