
Trailer for Upcoming IMAX Panda Documentary – ‘Pandas’

panda documentary

A new panda documentary, simply called Pandas will be hitting IMAX theatres soon, in what may be the cutest documentary to ever hit the enormous screens.

The film features a collaboration between Chinese and American scientists, and their efforts in preparing a group of young female panda cubs to enter the wild.

Their reason – to repopulate the panda species in the wild.

From the onset of this trailer, it’s near impossible to not immediately fall in love with these animals.

The baby pandas have all been born in captivity, and the brief footage we see of them frolicking and trying to adapt to the wild will melt hearts.

The film is directed by documentarians David Douglas and Drew Fellman, and is narrated by Hollywood actress Kristen Bell.

Pandas has been digitally mastered to make full use of the IMAX theatre’s best technology, and will be screening in 3D.

This will probably be the next best thing to seeing a panda bear in real life, as I imagine not many people would ever have the opportunity.

The film opens on 7 June 2018 across IMAX theatres in Australia, and for those in Melbourne, you can secure your tickets here.

Check out the cool trailer for the documentary below.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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