
‘Total Recall’ (The Good One) Gets a Funny Honest Trailer

total recall funny video

Paul Verhoeven’s 1990 classic Mars-set action/sci-fi film Total Recall gets a funny Honest Trailer and it makes you realise that they just don’t make them like they used to (insert sad face).

The latest from the Honest Trailers team covers Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cult-classic film Total Recall and it pulls no punches in pointing out some of the film’s ridiculousness.

That being the case, it’s a film that’s hard to dislike and despite some of it’s sillier aspects, it’s still to this day one of the better action/sci-fi flicks to come out of Hollywood.

Verhoeven had a great run in the late ’80s and ’90s with delivering super violent, socially conscious films in the same sub-genre, which include the likes of Robocop (1987) and Starship Troopers (1997).

Watching this Honest Trailer for Total Recall makes you think back at the glory days of action/sci-fi films and you’ll realise how far back we’ve gone since then.

We just don’t see as many violent films like these in mainstream cinema any more and it’s a shame because everything these days just feels watered down.

We do occasionally get some violent sci-fi gems, however, such as Leigh Whannell’s 2018 film Upgradewhich was excellent and should be seen by more people, so not all hope is completely lost.

Total Recall is still truly one of a kind and holds up to this day, despite its cheeseball elements, which have been hilariously covered in the video below.

As far as Verhoeven’s career, he directed the excellent film Elle in 2016, which was a great watch and full of controversial themes.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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