
Tom Hardy Plays America’s Most Notorious Gangster in Trailer for ‘Capone’

most Notorious Gangster

Tom Hardy plays the notorious gangster Al Capone in the biographical crime drama film Capone from director Josh Trank, who’s hoping for a career revival with this one.

Josh Trank, the director of the heavily criticized Fantastic Four (2015) looks to redeem himself in the eyes of Hollywood and the fans with his latest, Capone.

In the film, Tom Hardy plays notorious gangster Al Capone in the latter stages of his life – suffering from dementia and haunted by his violent past.

We can see from the plot outlined in the trailer, however, that the authorities seem to believe that Capone’s condition is somewhat of a ruse, as part of an attempt to evade capture.

The film will follow the years leading up to Capone’s demise with what looks like flashbacks to highlight key moments from his past.

Hardy looks like a great choice to play the character and like always, appears to be giving it his all.

The film’s creative makeup department has done a great job of getting him to look the part too.

Capone features an excellent supporting cast that includes Linda Cardellini, Matt Dillon, and Kyle MacLachlan.

The film looks promising and should hopefully put Trank back on the map, considering his debut film Chronicle (2012) was excellent.

Capone is due to release on 12 May on digital platforms.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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