
‘The Wailing’ – Trailer

The Wailing is an upcoming Korean horror film which looks full of potential.

The film is directed by Hong-jin Na (The Chaser, The Yellow Sea), whose first two films have been highly rated.

The trailer looks promising and it appears to be the type of horror that builds up slowly and hits the core, not the standard Hollywood jump-scare style which often fails to deliver.

We’re big fans of Horror and Korean films here at Janks Reviews so we’re really looking forward to this one. It releases June 3rd 2016 in the US but no word of an Australian release date as yet.

IMDB synopsis:

A stranger arrives in a little village and soon after a mysterious sickness starts spreading. A policeman is drawn into the incident and is forced to solve the mystery in order to save his daughter.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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