Queen & Slim is an iconic piece of modern black cinema. Whilst the progression of the plot can be questionable at times, the film never skips a beat. It will suck you into a journey full of laughter, tears, thrills, suspense, joy, and relief.
Tom Hanks writes and stars in the upcoming submarine war film Greyhound, which sends him back into WWII some twenty-plus years after Saving Private Ryan.
Dark Waters is a shocking David versus Goliath true story about a corporate lawyer who uncovers a horrible case of environmental contamination by the North-American chemical company, DuPont.
On one hand, Honey Boy is simply a film following the complex relationship between a child actor and his abusive, monetarily dependent father, however, anyone with even a slight amount of knowledge regarding writer and star Shia LaBeouf’s tumultuous career and very public ‘private life’ will know that Honey Boy is so much more.
The classic novel The Secret Garden has been adapted for a modern audience by director Marc Munden in the upcoming film of the same name.
The Green Knight is a new dark fantasy film from A24 that features Dev Patel in the lead role and is based on a classic Arthurian tale.
As one of the few people in the world who doesn’t think Wes Anderson is a genius, his latest flick The French Dispatch is appealing enough thanks to the incredible cast he’s assembled.
Ben Affleck plays a high-school basketball coach on the road to redemption in the upcoming emotional drama film The Way Back from director Gavin O’Connor.
Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus star in the upcoming dramedy Downhill – a remake of the excellent 2014 swiss film, Force Majeure.
Terrence Malick’s latest film is a deep, meditative study on conscience and consequences. Based on the true story of Austrian conscientious objector Franz Jägerstätter, a farmer who refused to swear loyalty to Hitler during WWII and was jailed for his dissidence, A Hidden Life is a visual feast conveying a heartbreaking tale.
Despite being named after one of his catchphrases, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is not actually about the beloved children’s television host Mister Rogers (Tom Hanks). It’s more about investigative journalist Lloyd Vogel’s (Matthew Rhys) interactions with Mister Rogers and the way these interactions alter Vogel’s perspective on life.
Blake Lively plays a regular woman-turned ruthless hit-woman in the upcoming action revenge-drama, The Rythm Section.
With its blonde star-studded cast, Bombshell does not shy away from shining the spotlight on the true story of sexual harassment at Fox News.
Sam Mendes’ WWI-themed 1917 looks and sounds amazing, making for a truly visceral viewing experience. Its single-take format is technically remarkable, though it suffers from a lack of character development.
In Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s 1868 novel Little Women, die or “get married by the end” are the two options given to aspiring author Josephine “Jo” March (Saoirse Ronan) when negotiating a publishing deal.
Amy Adams stars in the upcoming mystery film The Woman in the Window and its first trailer will have you guessing what’s real and what isn’t.