In Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, the Decepticons (under the command of head Decepticon ‘The Fallen’) return to earth to gain revenge on the Autobots and humans that brought them to their demise in the first film. Shia LeBouf and Megan Fox reprise their lead character roles as Sam and Kayla respectively and almost everyone from the first film is back for this one (although they do not bring anything new, character-wise to this film). There are also new robots from both sides, though none of them make a big enough impact for us to care.
Wolverine is the first character specific spin-off from the popular X-Men film series. Hugh Jackman reprises his role as the claw-bearing Logan/Wolverine and is joined by Liev Schreiber as his mutant sibling Victor Creed – later known as Sabretooth in the first X-Men film. The film introduces us to these two characters as they fight through each of the main wars in history, inevitably ending up as part of a mutant taskforce headed by William Stryker, played by Danny Huston. Logan walks off on the taskforce after disagreeing with the team’s code of behaviour and finds a peaceful life in the Canadian Rockies with love interest Kayla, played by Lynn Collins. Once Logan’s secluded existence is disrupted by a visit from Victor, he enlists in the Weapon X program, setting off the vendetta between the two mutants over the course of the film.
The Dark Knight is the follow up film to the smash hit Batman Begins and it improves on that film and the Batman franchise in leaps and bounds.
Flyboys is a re-telling of the story of the first aviation combat squad during WW1, known as “The Lafayette Escadrille”.
In Déjà Vu, ATF agent Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington) is called upon to solve a major bombing of a ferry in post-Katrina New Orleans. It is when the body of Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton) washes ashore that Carlin begins to unravel clues to a connection between Kuchever and the suspected bomber.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest hits the ground running in stupendous fashion in Gore Verbinski’s follow up to Disney’s smash hit of 2003 – Curse of the Black Pearl.
V for Vendetta is the latest offering from writers Andy and Larry Wachowski (of the Matrix Trilogy fame) and based on the graphic novel of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd.