
Trailer 2 for the Twisted New Superhero Horror Film ‘Brightburn’

superhero horror movies

The upcoming superhero horror film Brightburn takes Superman’s origin story and turns it on its head with some intriguing results.

Most people know Superman’s origin story; an alien baby drops into the hands of well-to-do, childless country-folk Martha and Jonathan Kent, who raise him as their own.

Superman is raised to uphold the wholesome family values instilled by his parents, which pave the way for him to become a world-famous superhero.

But what if baby Superman was intrinsically evil?

That’s the premise of Brightburn, which sees a superpowered boy, raised by some nice people, do some dastardly things.

It’s an interesting take on the genre, even though it borrows heavily from a more popular source material.

The film is produced by James Gunn, director of Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and its sequel, however, fans of the producer/director will know that an idea like Brighburn harkens back to the likes of his pre-blockbuster films like Slither (2006) and Super (2010).

The new trailer highlights a lot of the horror aspects audiences can expect from the film and while they’re pretty cool, they don’t seem exactly scary (though there is one wince-inducing scene in the trailer – you’ve been warned).

Brightburn stars Elizabeth Banks and David Denman and is directed by newcomer David Yarovesky.

The film releases 24 May 2019.

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Loves producing content as much as consuming it. Deserted Island Movie Collection: The films of Quentin Tarantino. Best Movie Snack: Nachos.


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